Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oily Ice Cream


YI: I thought root beer abit no taste
Me: I like it with ice cream!
YI: Oh..But with ice cream very
Me: Oily??? Ice cream has oil???
YI: You don't know ice cream got oil ah?
Me: I didn't know. Are you sure it has oil?
YI: If you eat the mcd ice cream.. and you try to wash the cup.. you can feel the oil around the cup.
Me: Mcd ice cream where got cup??
YI: Mcflurry, Sundae choc/strawberry ice cream
Me: Maybe the oreo has oil.. Or the choco/strawberry has oil.
YI: Yooooooo... Vanilla ice cream also got oil.
Me: I don't believe lah..Next time I read the ingredient list on the ice cream box.
YI: Why don't you believe me??

Can anyone tell me whether ice cream has oil or not??


Anonymous said...

i believe tht ice cream has oil in it..1 of the ingredients is MINYAK kelapa sawit... =D

sl said...

Really??? why would there be palm oil in ice cream??

Anonymous said...

Yes ice-cream has oil. If you have cream, means you have oil.

sl said...

T.T... I'm the only one who doesn't knowwwwww